Ashlee Torphy
Ashlee Torphy
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- 15/4/24
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LetsExchange ( is a go-to crypto exchange hub, with 4,000+ cryptocurrencies, cross-chain swaps, 60+ fiat currencies, on- & off-ramp, DEX, swift and secure transactions. With deep liquidity and lucrative affiliate programs, LetsExchange ensures a convenient and profitable crypto experience for users worldwide. We offer:
For users:
And don’t forget to join our community on:
Last edited: Apr 23, 2024
Threadmarks LetsExchange Is 2 Years Old! Celebrate with Us and Win 500 USDT!
[IMG alt="GinaMoor"][/IMG]
LetsExchange is going to celebrate its 2nd birthday! The best celebration is to reward our loyal users. And the best reward is the money, of course!
What about winning 500 USDT?
Make any swap in any crypto pair, any sum, on from March 1 to 17th.
Request the Receipt – there, you will have all the data about your transaction. You won’t be able to participate without the receipt, so requesting it and keeping it until the winner is announced is a must!
Wait till we announce the lucky winner!
How Will the Winner Be Selected?
All swaps are anonymous, so we will be using a randomizer to pick a transaction ID. Yep, we will just enter in the randomizer the IDs of all transactions made on our platform from 1st to 17th March, and the tool picks the luckiest one. How will you know whether your ID won? That’s why you need to keep the receipt of all your swaps made during this period. There, all the data of each transaction is displayed, including the transaction ID.
Can More Than One Swap Participate?
Yes, absolutely. We don’t collect users’ personal data; thus, only transaction IDs will participate. The more swaps you make, the higher your chances of winning!
Hurry Up! the Time Is Limited!
Don’t waste your time. Make as many swaps as possible, keep all the transaction receipts, and cross your fingers in the hope of winning!
For users:
- Crypto-to-crypto, crypto-to-fiat, and fiat-to-crypto swaps
- 24/7 customer support
- Cross-chain swaps for coins that are supported by different blockchains
- A Telegram bot to swap crypto
- Deep liquidity
- Customizable exchange widget & button
- Branded Telegram bot
- White-label exchange solutions
- Referral links
- Other benefits that can be discussed with each partner individually to provide maximal benefits
And don’t forget to join our community on:
Last edited: Apr 23, 2024
Threadmarks LetsExchange Is 2 Years Old! Celebrate with Us and Win 500 USDT!
[IMG alt="GinaMoor"][/IMG]
JoinedNov 30, 2022Messages0Reactions0LetsExchange is going to celebrate its 2nd birthday! The best celebration is to reward our loyal users. And the best reward is the money, of course!
What about winning 500 USDT?
Make any swap in any crypto pair, any sum, on from March 1 to 17th.
Request the Receipt – there, you will have all the data about your transaction. You won’t be able to participate without the receipt, so requesting it and keeping it until the winner is announced is a must!
Wait till we announce the lucky winner!
How Will the Winner Be Selected?
All swaps are anonymous, so we will be using a randomizer to pick a transaction ID. Yep, we will just enter in the randomizer the IDs of all transactions made on our platform from 1st to 17th March, and the tool picks the luckiest one. How will you know whether your ID won? That’s why you need to keep the receipt of all your swaps made during this period. There, all the data of each transaction is displayed, including the transaction ID.
Can More Than One Swap Participate?
Yes, absolutely. We don’t collect users’ personal data; thus, only transaction IDs will participate. The more swaps you make, the higher your chances of winning!
Hurry Up! the Time Is Limited!
Don’t waste your time. Make as many swaps as possible, keep all the transaction receipts, and cross your fingers in the hope of winning!