What is an infraction and what do infraction points mean?

Sierra Blick 64

Sierra Blick

Sierra Blick

New member
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If you’ve got an infraction, don’t panic! An infraction does not mean that you are any less of a member on this forum, but rather a reminder that the MMO rules are there to help you use the forum in line with our terms of use.

The forum rules can be found here. We know its wordy. But if you don’t read them, then don’t say we didn’t warn you! A lot of information about BHW’s rules can be found in the MMO Newbie Guide. The Newbie Guide is a great place to look if you’re not sure whether or not you can post something here and if it’s not covered, then use the search bar to see if someone has posted the question before. If nobody has ever asked it then the Newbie Guide is the place to ask.

If you break a rule, you may get a warning or infraction to begin with. If it is a first time offense, the infraction will be much lighter and is merely to remind you or inform you of the rules for MMO.

After this, any infractions you receive for the same offense may be harsher. The points given will depend upon the rule you have broken. Once you go over twelve points, then you’ll receive a ban. There are a number of violations which can receive infraction points, and there are 3 tiers of infractions: tier 1 for first-time offenses, tier 2 if you've violated the same rule before, and tier 3 which is a final strike that results in a ban. Each tier goes up in points and length respectively.

Posting from an alternate account and/or posting fake reviews will result in 12 infraction points and therefore be an immediate ban.

But what do you do when you get an infraction?

Well first and foremost - don’t worry about it. Warning points are only visible to yourself and the mods. Nobody else on MMO need know!

Infractions are not permanent - after a set number of months, the infraction will expire and your record will be wiped!

If you have an infraction, you are not able to open a new Marketplace thread, but if you already have open Marketplace threads then they will remain open.

If you have any questions about your infraction, or believe you have a case for your infraction to be lifted early then you can contact support
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