I have 2 questions about Amazon Kindle can a lot of you guys give your opinion on the 2 matters?

Gust Braun 52

Gust Braun

Gust Braun

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It`s regarding content and this is the only place that I can post it. So here`s question 1 if I write 25 low-content books (journals, Logbooks or Ledger, Notebooks, Guestbooks) Is it realistic to expect 10 sales in 1 month from each product so create 25 and sell in total 250 at 1$ profit make 250$ a month?

The second Question: I create a cover with a certain pattern and I use the same cover on a ledger, a coloring book, a Journal, or a Notebook. Will that have to be different also use the same pattern but with different colors? Say one pattern is yellow and black, create another that is the same pattern but blue and red. Also, for jornals make one of each color, 1 red, 1 green, 1 black, 1 yellow you get where I`m going at?

Thank you