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Joey Lang 12

Joey Lang

Joey Lang

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[Binance] Transactions with potentially high risk wallet addresses
Request expires 2024-01-10 22:12
Case ID:CTM-20231211-000
This is a courtesymessage and there is no change to the status of your account and we appreciate your acknowledgement in the next 30 days.
This message is to inform you that your most recent deposit/withdrawal below have been identified by our compliance systems as linked to a high risk wallet address, which could be regarded as a violation of our Term of Use.

Please refrain from using your Binance account to transact with this high risk address. Any future transactions that violate our Terms of Use may result in your account being closed.

1. Please proceed to select "I Acknowledge"*
I Acknowledge
2. If you believe that the wallet address has been incorrectly identified as high risk, please provide a detailed explanation below.
3. Attach any supporting documents that can substantiate your claim
Wallet Transaction History, Correspondence with Other Wallet Holders, Proof of the origin of the funds
Upload file

Please submit any questions you may have here and an agent will respond as soon as possible.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Kindly provide your input by 30 days in order for us to process your application promptly. If we do not receive the requested information in 30 days, your Binance Account may be restricted.

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Theo nội dung trên thì Binance yêu cầu em cung cấp thông tin liên quan tới 1 giao dịch rút USDT khoảng $200, do trước đó em thử rút về ví này thì bị từ chối ( high risk wallet addresses ) . 6 ngày sau thì bị Binance hỏi về giao dịch này. Em bán 200 USDT qua telegram thôi thì có bị sao không ạ? Có ai bị giống em chưa? Hoang mang quá.